Recommendation 5 of the 2015 Annual Report

Recommendation 5: “Refund damaged electrical appliances at their value as new if ENEDIS (ex-ERDF) is found to be liable”

1- Observation

An incident on the ENEDIS (ex-ERDF) grid can damage electrical appliances. Currently, for the cases found by the ENGIE Group’s Mediation team when ENEDIS (ex-ERDF) is held liable, ENEDIS’s process consists in striking a balance that fails to refund such appliances at their value as new.

2- Recommendation

The ENGIE Group’s mediation team duly notes the full compensation method applied by ENEDIS (ex-ERDF), which is defined as follows. When a complainant in mediation has had electrical appliances damaged and ENEDIS (ex-ERDF) is deemed liable, the matter applies the principle of full compensation, in accordance with civil liability rules. Full compensation consists in restoring the victim’s equipment to the state it was in before the accident. This must be done on the basis of its replacement value, which is defined as the purchase price of an identical item on the day of the accident with regard to its age, general condition, characteristics and performance. The customer thus suffers no reduction in his right to compensation. Neither does he benefit from any additional compensation, in accordance with applicable civil liability principles.

3- Addressee 

ENEDIS (former-ERDF)

4- Reason

Complaint follow-up