Result of mediations

The Mediation in figures

In 2023, the results of the satisfaction survey of the Mediation for the ENGIE Group are:

0 %

of the claimants recommend the Ombudsman for its independence and impartiality and are satisfied with the processing time

0 %

are satisfied with the Ombudsman’s work.

In 2023,

0 %

of the proposed solutions were accepted and implemented by the parties,

+ 0

of additional mediation cases processed compared to 2022

0 %

of mediation requests were submitted online.

The satisfaction survey process

Your response to the satisfaction survey will give us:

Feedback on your experience with ENGIE Group’s Mediation service, which contributes to the improvement of its processes,
An indicator of your level of satisfaction following the Mediator’s work;
An indicator of your level of satisfaction following the Mediator’s work.