Recommendation 4 of the 2015 Annual Report

Recommendation 4: “Adjust the amount of compensation paid by ENEDIS (ex-ERDF) according the loss or damage suffered by the claimant”

1- Observation

When estimating the amount of compensation proposed by ENEDIS (ex-ERDF) in certain mediation cases, the said amount is by no means commensurate with the loss suffered by the customer. The amount of compensation seems to be based on a standard table and not sufficiently adapted to real-life cases, whereas the ENGIE Group’s Mediation team considers that each situation is a special case and should be analysed and compensated on a case-by-case basis.

2- Recommendation

The Mediation service indicates the response made by ENEDIS (ex-ERDF). The distributor states that it treats each dispute referred for mediation as a special case; there is no standard table of compensation. ERDF proposes to the Mediation team an appropriate solution if its liability is incurred. The solution consists firstly in finding that the customer in within his rights (including compensation for the loss) and secondly in offering financial compensation commensurate with the inconvenience. The Mediation team duly notes this intention for 2016.

3- Addressee

ENEDIS (former-ERDF)

4- Reason

Complaint follow-up